The First Jordanian for Strategic and Informatics Study

 Why were we established?

Decision makers nowadays face a lot of challenges considering a huge shortage of strategic information and Inaccuracy, which is considered to be a strategic weapon in the companies’ hands and/or individuals to make the right decision.

And to face these challenges we had to establish the first Jordanian for strategic and informatics study which depends on investigating and looking for individuals and companies to protect them, maintain their rights, avoid financial risks through providing the necessary information which is Characterized with Accuracy, credibility, modernity and confidentiality for individuals and companies of all kinds.

In addition to making strategic analysis by specialized strategic analysts, and choosing the strategy that accomplishes  the competitive advantage for individuals and companies.

What are our services?

Providing information for decision makers:

All information will be provided for the client upon request which makes the client able to make the right decision, in addition to our highlighted advantages about information for companies _for example_ to accomplish, add value and competitive advantages.

Sales and marketing department

We can provide you with a detailed report of the customer’s status (individuals or companies) which you intend to contract with. Where you can make several decisions about dealing and/or expanding or not dealing with them.

In addition to getting information of the present and past of the clients to protect the company from fraud, white collar crimes  to work in less dangerous environments and to contribute in the evaluation of clients procedures before increasing or decreasing their debit.

Purchases department

We help you in the evaluation procedures and picking suppliers with good reputation which is considered to be the basis of the contract stage which protects the company from financial losses.

Human resources department

We provide you with the necessary information about the individual’s status before hiring them in the company, which leads to choosing and hiring employees with good reputation that leading to the increase in productivity and decrease in the rate of employment circulation to the company.

Well-known study:

This study is an important service to check, investigate and evaluate the current status for any business whenever you get the chance to invest in the horizon, so we check and investigate all information available to the companies that would like to purchase or share or own _for example_ (debts, possible and current lawsuits, rents, guarantees, long term consumers agreement, employment contracts, distribution agreement, compensation arrangements, and so on) and after looking into and evaluating the business we provide the client with appropriate information through our team which enables the client to make the right decision to guarantee  financial income in the future.

Strategic analysis and Environmental Survey (internal and external):

The needed Strategic analysis occurs from the client through strategic analysts in many different specialties considering the strategic kind where we provide the client with a full detailed report to help him in making competitive advantage for the company (Strategic analysis for economic Environmental factors, Strategic analysis for social and cultural Environmental factors, Strategic analysis for technological Environmental factors, Strategic analysis for Demographic Environmental factors, Strategic analysis for political Environmental factors, Strategic analysis for legal Environmental factors, Strategic analysis for international and worldwide Environmental factors, Strategic analysis for industrial and competitive force Environmental factors, Strategic analysis for Organizational structure factors, Strategic analysis for Organizational cultural factors, Strategic analysis for production factors, Strategic analysis for financial factors).

Appropriate strategic choice

The appropriate strategic choice will be made based upon strategic planning which accomplishes competitive advantage.